


Green Maker that creates beautiful future

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  • Word MARK
    bnk turns grey-scale world to a sustainable one for next generation. Word MARK has been expressed to deliver all products and solutions of bnk to customers through eco-friendly management, more than just a maker of non-woven fabric.
    Lower case word mark is designed to approach customers with friendlier and easier manner. It contains bnk’s customer-oriented and human-centered philosophy of the future.
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  • Signature model
    bnk’s word mark has been used with priority. It has been designed for harmony for location policy when it is used with a slogan. Therefore, it cannot be altered or changed at will.
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  • Color
    The color has been selected to effectively deliver bnk’s corporate image. Other color may be used upon the characteristics of applied media. PANTONE color provided upon print must be complied. When applied for media other than printouts, please pay close attention to maintain the optimal condition closest to the guided color
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  • User warning
    When the shape is changed at will, the original image is damage. Therefore, standard shape must be used. User manual described here must be complied in order to deliver bnk’s image in correct manner.